Landing page optimization – An easy way to better conversion

It is often believed, appearance alters perception. A landing page should be a culmination of aesthetic elements, simple explanation of products/services and a quick way for the user to get in touch with you.

In a world where everyone is time-bound and in a rush, the primary goal of the developer is to enthrall the visitor by showcasing his page in such a way, that the reader spares the second minute looking at it!

It takes a short, crisp and uncluttered landing page that leaves the visitor with little to read, but enough to explore.

The page is the cradle and grave of the reader’s decision to continue or press the cross button. Hoping for the former, putting the best foot forward and delivering most of what you can offer in a simple yet classy manner is solely dependent on the page that flashes first. If there’s any going back, we hope it’s not for the reader.

Rich and trustable content with relevant information is an attractive weapon to hold back the reader’s attention and does even better when the web design is flawlessly crafted leaving less questions and more answers to the visitor when on the page.

A web design is the heart and soul of these pages. Accurate Information Architecture, relevant ergonomics, exquisite contracts, readable fonts and a wide range of imagery are enough to cater to every want and requirement of the reader.

Removing unnecessary navigation is very important to reduce distractions on landing pages. No pop-ups and direct links between the next page and the click is an essential element to keep the reader seeking. Every additional link should only be more successful in garnering the reader’s mind and should increase the quality of content tenfold to quench the seekers curiosity at every level. Connections should have systematic continuity and generic pages should be avoided to help the reader sustain his interest.

If given a choice, visual images work wonders when it comes to wooing attention. Consider giving the visitor a seamless experience by ensuring sufficient visual cues keep giving the audience a clue as to what should be their next step. Arrows or maybe bright buttons on the focal point of the page hit the nail on the head, most effectively.

A good web developer establishes and puts forward great ideas, but a great web developer thinks of the unestablished, challenges the pinnacle of mainstream thought and launches originality shedding light on the unheard of.

Landing pages for SAAS products have special needs, it is a matter of promoting an entire product and pushing the user to start a trial all in a single, simple page that has no external links but for the trial form. Design skills come into play where supporting material like videos play on the landing page and the focus always remains to get the user to start a trial.

Trust signals at the end of the page reinforce the entire thought process of the reader. Logos of companies that you have worked with, achievements and accolades press the right nerve at the crucial time helps to get the ball to your court and lets the reader convert with confidence and choose with conformity.

A landing page, therefore, remains the simplest solution, a confirmed conclusion and the best bargain to alter the perception of a viewer, anytime.

Check out our new video on Tips and Tricks for Website Conversion Rate Optimization