5 Best Practices to Enhance Your Mobile App User Experience

The success of your mobile application development is contingent on several different factors, the most important of which is user experience. Quality user experience can mean the difference between a successful app and a flop, which is why it is critical that you keep in mind best app development practices aimed at enhancing user experience when finalizing the design of your upcoming mobile application. Here are 5 best practices to keep in mind:

  • Make your users and their goals a priority.
    While fulfilling your business goals should be an important driving force behind your mobile application development efforts, the priority should first and foremost be ensuring that app users are able to complete tasks easily and efficiently. The most successful companies have long figured out that true success in business comes as a result of making users and consumers their first priority, understanding tools from the users’ POV, and empathizing with their needs and desires.
  • Serve easily digestible, bite-sized content.
    Mobile apps are not at all like typical desktop apps. These tools are supposed to promote brevity and ease of use. Content must therefore be served in groups of easily digestible chunks of information. Failure to follow this practice will result in users struggling to find data they need to successfully complete tasks. As a result, they will not hesitate abandoning your mobile site or app for an easier to use format offered by your competition.
  • When it comes to mobile application development, bigger is better.
    It may seem counterintuitive to create larger elements for display on smaller mobile screens. However, texts, controls, and buttons, bust be large enough for visibility and usability purposes. According to Fitts’ Law, smaller targets are harder to hit than larger ones, which means tiny text links and buttons are far more difficult for users to activate and hit on the first try, as opposed to larger display elements.
  • Less typing is better.
    Users find it many times more difficult to type on mobile keyboards than on full-size desktop and/or laptop keyboards. They are significantly slower and more susceptible to making errors on a mobile keyboard, which is why you want to keep this slow and painful process minimum on your mobile app. Minimizing the amount of typing needed in your mobile app designis another best practice to keep in mind when it comes to mobile application development.
  • Test everything and keep on improving.
    Testing is important for quality assurance, eliminating bugs and errors, and making sure that all features are functional and free from crashes. Running usability tests to ensure customer satisfaction is also important to keep on improving on your finished app.