Common SEO Errors: Are you making them?

With the increasing amount of content being created, published, and promoted online every day and with more than 2 trillion searches appearing on Google every year, competition to catch your user’s attention has never been more intense.

Search engine optimization (SEO) has evolved more in the past couple of years than in the last two decades, making it challenging for the average person to keep abreast of the latest technological developments.

Today’s search engine optimization services are all about creating the perfect content for both search engines and humans. It is essential to steer clear of all the technical jargon and keep your attention focused on what matters – creating content that adds value to the lives of others.

Like any other online marketing solutions, you may experience pitfalls and stumbling blocks along the way of creating a perfect SEO strategy – however, the good news is that they are easily avoidable. Here are some general SEO errors and tips to remedy them.

Using Poorly Written Content

With the vastness of the Internet, you have an incredibly tiny window to grab your audience attention and get your point across. Good content educates your audience, provides them with the precise information they are looking for, and inspires them actually to invest in your services or products. When the content is not unique or valuable, your users lose trust, and you will have a hard time getting them to take any decisive action.

Stuffing of Keywords

You might think that using targeted keywords in every sentence will boost your SEO ratings. Do not make this common SEO mistake, no matter what you are informed. If your content comes across as forced and not natural, it is unlikely to receive any attention from your audience. Instead, focus on creating information-rich content that is optimized for the right keywords.

Not Having A Unique Meta Title and Meta Description

It’s a damaging mistake to have the same meta title and meta description for all the pages of your website. Remember, that meta description is a 160 characters sales pitch for your website or blog page. In addition to SEO marketing, your page title gets regularly shared in Tweets or Facebook posts or when someone bookmarks your website or blog. Hence, descriptive and informative titles are highly valuable.

Using Similar Anchor Texts for Each Link

Search engines use external anchor text as a context what your pages may be about or as a reflection of how other people view your page. Using the same anchor text for every link is a wasted SEO opportunity as it fails to signify the readers and search bots what your link is about and how it can be beneficial to users. Ensure that the anchor text you use within your site is succinct, relevant to the linked-to page, unique and has low keyword density.

Not Optimizing for Local Search

If you are offering services or running a business that focuses on customers within a specific region or city, it is essential to include local search in your search engine optimization services. When local keywords such as phone numbers or local address are not added to your pages, such as in the header or footer, it will not show up in the local results. Try to focus on domestic search to optimize your products or services for region-specific customers.

A pivotal takeaway to learn here is that search engine optimization services never remain consistent since algorithms change, customers evolve on how they use the search engines to find their desired results, and new competitors emerge all the time.

Need help deciding how to promote yourself online? Email us at and we will prepare a search engine optimization plan customized for your online marketing your business.